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Saturday, October 6, 2018


I know this good old man before he becomes a mollusc. He raised hell and messed up São Paulo at the time I lived there. My husband was a manager of a multi-national company and we known him for a long time. I once asked my mother why every single woman, when they got old, we had to call them as madams, even the whores. She then told me that it was because of the white hair, that they were good people, so does the mollusc, that one that is caged there in Curitiba, at Federal Police. I cannot believe he accidentally cut off his finger, but there's a question in the air: If the good old man with 9 fingers stole so much, he's in J-A-I-L, what if he had the complete 10? It was not going to be left to anyone, nor his children. Do not vote for him, I ask it on behalf of the Brazilian nation, because voting for Fernando Haddad is voting for him, or do you think that who has not had the competence to run a city like São Paulo, doing the worst sort of service at the city hall, will govern Brazil? Fool me that I like it, come on! You look at that good face and say he’s a little thief? May God bless Moro (the judge) and all the judges who have the Law as a love for Brazil! Moro wants to resurrect the truth, the shame and the honesty of a people, because nowadays, we are known abroad as the country of corruption, a Brazilian institution, a frenzy thing.

Kátia Paes

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