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Saturday, February 16, 2019


May the people I persuaded to vote for Jair Bolsonaro, pardon me. To make mistakes is human, but when I saw yesterday the interview of the Minister of Mines and Energy, granted to GloboNews Economia, I got disappointed. He blames the blatant fines for the tragedies that happened in the town of Mariana and now in Brumadinho. It is not the derisory fine, but the lack of an effective fiscalisation project. Did not do it? Jail! What is the difference between them and the common people? Of a mother who steals milk to give her child hungry and from those who cause these tragedies? The mother who steals the milk is arrested. The father who does not pay pension and is unemployed for some reason or even sick, who bears it are the paternal grandparents. What is it? The child is no fuck of them, much less they served as pillow for both parents. There is an absurd case in which an elderly lady was arrested for not being able to pay the pension that her son should have given to his child, but he haven't. The judge did not think twice, jail! Did she open her legs? A child is responsibiity for both, the mother and the father, or is still there a story about getting pregnant to get a pension? Because if a mother really liked her child, she would not use it as a bargaining chip, she would not even put the father in court, even more the grandparents, then Minister, in case you do not know, it's the jail that hurts!

Let's go further. You, sir, reactivate the nuclear power, mainly Angra 3. Japan, a country of first world, could not control the leakage that occurred. Germany has a project to deactivate all its nuclear plants. Now I ask you, a fool, a stupid like me, if you have not been able to dominate, to stop the leakage of that catastrophe in Mariana, reaching the sea, now this one in Brumadinho, how you, sir, have the pretension that Brazil will prevent a radioactive leakage with proportions of Fukushima? Do you have a plan you have a plan to avoid a holocaust, better speaking, a genocide? Because they are innocent people, who did nothing, it will take the entire coast of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. If they did not know how to remediate two leaks, that was only to have supervised and fined, I say, jail them! As it was said in my time, when a dictatorship, let them "see the sun to rise square" and I ask, with respect to the Brazilians, that you prepare yourself better not to leave the reporter in a hard time, because she knew more than you. You see, I am a dumb person, if there was supervision, the fines could be invested more in schools, medicines, health. Look at the chaos that is going to be, it seems to ... I do not even want to think about the hypothesis of happening, we have our so effective health care system - SUS - on TV on a daily basis, which already lets die people in the queue, so have you thought about in case of a nuclear leak? So, what would you do? Would you call another country to help? The interview was pitiful. Get ready better in the next time, because if a dumbass like me got disappointed, can you imagine an intelligent person? Or do you consider the Brazilian people, dumb? Incompetent? Unable to recognize danger when they see it?

Respectfully to GloboNews,

Katia Paes

PS: Until now, those who showed service and competence in the new government were the Honorable Minister of the House of Justice, Mr. Moro, but he will not do miracles alone, it is necessary that the whole body of magistrates attend his school, I am feeling this on the skin because I am a victim of a judge who takes 3 months to summon a defendant, awaiting the return of the RA. Ridiculous, isn't it? That's something else for me. I'm relieved that it's just her, the others honor the toga, thank God. I must remind you that the ground judge must be guided by the Superior Judge, because he has the same function here on earth, which is to punish or not, but we have not seen this in Brazil lately, except with Judge Bretas, At least that's what I've seen. You give a good example of civility, love for the country and justice. For you, she (the justice) is not blind, she sees, and you punish the guilty. The Minister of Economy also seems to be able, but the time will tell.

Watch the complete report by clicking here.

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