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Thursday, February 4, 2021



One day I woke up, for the first time in my life, missing massively such adolescence that I didn't have, maybe this is the reason. The past hurts a lot, even though it's good and bad too. It’s bad because it makes us suffer, sometimes we even remember the pain that it caused on us, every betrayal, every beating, every injustice; and the good, for the dreams we had, for the flirtations and festive looks, as we desired to arrive the Monday to flirt with our high school sweetheart.

I didn't have a high school boyfriend, I always liked to read, I was always the book worm, but I had my friends who told me and still said I was happy because I didn't have a boyfriend. She barely knew that I used to read books to dream about. I listened to David Bowie’s "Sorrow", listened to the tracks of international soap operas such as "Rock'n Roll Lullaby" and felt like the ugliest woman in the world because no one looked at me, so every night I took my little blue radio and listened to Radio Tamoio or Mundial, so I traveled the world! Then, when I returned to reality, I had no little blue radio, no longer I had a dream and all the singers I liked got physically dead because for me, they are still alive inside my heart. It is inevitable that the tears fall, so live the today as if it were the last day of your life, do everything you want, do not let anyone boss in your life, no one says what you should do, because you know who will suffer if you do not listen to the advice I am giving you from my own experience: it will be you who will be a bitter and sad woman.

The worst thing there is is regreting, so do, have an overdose of pleasure while you can! As you remember your good past, just smile and thank God for being happy! It's still because you have good memories and you haven't become a spiteful woman with yourself for not doing what you wanted, for obeying others to the detriment of yourself.

Good luck!! Oh, do not think, therefore, thinking gives wrinkle and takes away your courage, go with your mind, body and soul!

Written by Katia Paes on 01/29/2021.



One of several people who crossed my path, married for 15 years, had five children, a wife who was more of a mother than a woman. More mother than woman? Yes, because she let her kids climb up her bed with dirty feet, peeing on it. As the man was very famous in the city, he called a mattress store, bought one and had one delivered to his house, but he forgot a single detail: to give the delivery address of the mattress! When he got home, a party awaited him, the wife all loving and he, surprised, asked:

-       Why this? It's not my birthday or anything!

-       My love, thank you for the new mattress you sent me as a gift! Because the other one was already more than 10 years old and you made me such surprise, thank you, my love!

-       Since you liked it so much, sleep with our kids on the mattress and see which one will debut peeing on it! I'm going to sleep on the couch!

The next day, he goes to the mattress store and asks:

-       Who was the MF who sent the mattress I bought for my mistress and was sent to my wife? For those brats pee all over it! Fire him!

-       But, Dr. Raimundo, you said that it was to be sent to your house! According to my records, you're only married to Mrs. Maria."

As he did not convince the man, he bought another one, however, now sent to the correct address. So, if you don't want to have problems, give the right address!

PS: To preserve the real actors, the wife, who was the love in person, the ending is fictitious.

Written by Katia Paes on 01/29/2021.



A love is the most beautiful and tyranny thing in nature, a fake tyranny, disguised. We all dream of eternal love and this is an arrogance of ours because neither eternal we are. Beliefs aside, because I don't talk about religion, I'm not senile yet. We love with all our strength and then our partner no longer loves us, he stopped loving us, after all, in life, everything that is too much can get sick. I am telling it from my own experience because when I used to eat many candies, I had tremendous diarrhea, so I think there is a kind of sticky love. Never arrest your man and your wife, never be the shadow of the other, it doesn't work, keep a certain distance, a little mystery, don't keep asking “where you're going?”, “where you’ve been?”, “at what time you're going back”, if you can go together, ask why he never takes you, you know why? That doesn't prevent him from putting a good pair of horns on you!!

My uncles, Uncle Bibi and Uncle Raimundinho (Little Raymond), both had "branches" and "souvenirs" with them, one of them had, astonishingly, the capacity of putting the name of the “headquarter” in the "souvenir"! You know, it was surely an issue that at the funeral of one of them, when the “headquarter” saw that amount coming into, that looked more like a kindergarten classroom, she asked his sister: “what time did he do that?”, "Haven't you ever thought the amount of coffee he was drinking weird?”, that he was going to buy cigarettes? A beer with a friend? That's the bill you're going to pay for sharing the inheritance with them, and, without no intention of scaring you, look back that the line, it is big, so if you don't have your individuality, if you do not have the wisdom of Solomon, because he was intelligent to some extent, in my opinion and God’s, that’s why He destroyed the temple because he betrayed Him with an Egyptian woman. So, seriously, if you find out something, pretend you don't know if you're not going to make a decision because you can come in a burst of anger when you ask to choose between "she or me" and you hear: "She!", and even worse, if she is your friend the pain will be immeasurable because besides a fake friend, you have put her inside your house , she was still your partner - a majoritarian one - for stealing your husband.

Me, in my case, I love a person who will never betray me, who does everything I want, we make a wonderful match. If I sleep, she sleeps, if I want to see the movie, he sees with me, he doesn't guess in my life, much less me on his: it's my mirror! I love Katia! None love should be greater than yours for yourself, do not nullify you!


Written by Katia Paes on 01/29/2021.



I was “dating” a beautiful owl that I saw in a store and I looked at her, looked at her, it was a mutual love because I was reciprocated, then at one point, a Jewish lady came up to me and asked:

- Why do you look at her so much? It's ugly, big-eyed... it turns its head, very ugly, you have a bad taste and besides, she is bad luck!

- To my mind, she gives me luck. I spend hours and hours contemplating the turning of its head, the opening of its wings and the great mother that it is for its little ones, considering that a mother when she’s so in love with her children, it’s given the nickname 'owl mother'".

None of this convinced her and she continued:

- It is venomous, bird of bad omen, it brings bad luck to our lives.

- What did the owl do to you to be so angry with it?

- For you to dislike someone, do you need a reason? You don't like it and that's it! Me, for instance, I hate my daughters-in-law! Are you really going to take this ominous animal that brings bad luck? Maybe with my story, you change your mind and leave this owl where it is, on the store’s shelf, well there it goes: once when I lived in São Paulo, on my birthday someone had such bad taste like yours and gave me an owl, like this one from the store, it ruined my birthday. Wonder me gaining the animal I hate the most!

- There are worse animals, the men who harm those who have done nothing to them.

- You know what I did when that wicked woman left my house? I opened the window and just threw it with all my strength through it!!

- Is it serious that you lived on the eleventh floor?

- Of course, I’m not senile yet, at least I don’t keep dating an owl.

So me, pensive, with no intention of being rude and disrespectful because of her age, I checked:

- Are you sure? Did you throw it from the eleventh floor, really?

She, all excited, said to me:

- Oh, of course! I even heard the noise of it after falling and breaking, shattering itself, so I went in and closed the window.

- Listen, tell me something: do you still think that the owl brings bad luck? When you threw it, did it hit anyone?

She, then, already surprised, tells me:

- Well, of course not! I heard her breaking itself in little pieces!

- So you still think she brings bad luck? Because I think she brings you luck because no one died, she didn't fall over any innocent one passing underneath. Which street did you live in São Paulo?

- On Augusta Street, she told me quietly and concluded:

- That owl gave you luck! If it kills someone on the street, or you'd be in jail or in some madhouse, but not talking to me right now.

She peeled her eyes, stared at me, thinking, silent, and simply faded away faster than the wind.

Until the present days, when I meet her in Copacabana, she crosses the street or, in the supermarket, when there is no way out, I greet her and ask her if she still throws owls through the window, after all, we are on Copacabana Avenue, but to my surprise, she says, "No, I live on Santa Clara Street, there is s marquise there and if I throw it, it falls over there". What can I say about it?


Written by Katia Paes on 01/29/2021.

Friday, January 1, 2021


I wish I had wished you all a Merry Christmas, but I couldn't do it because I thought of those that this damned virus took and then I thought of their families, father, mother, children, uncles, I thought it was a lack of respect. When you lose a true friend, if you suffer, what to say about a loved one? A question I ask myself every day: how does an amoral people like the Chinese ones to enslave the world? They kill, exterminate a good part of it and still have admirers. I wondered several times, if it wasn't because of the death of the dogs and cats, if it wasn't because we haven't done anything, everyone regrets, but nobody still does anything, after all, they are just animals, not now, it's about the human being.

What right does China have to enslave the world? To decree the unhappiness of others? How many videos have we seen of them passing the masks to be exported on the faces of sick people? Then I keep asking myself: in exchange for what has China created a virus so lethal and mutable? It means that there is no vaccine, there will be mutations that have already started in the UK. We have given this power to China because of the R$ 1.99 stores that were created, we have bought toys knowing they were fakes, other products like bags and other ones, we have made the greed of the amoral machine to grow, well, “why we will have only part of the world if we can have all of them enslaved to us”? That's their thought. Yeah, we are slaves of this motherfucking China which without spending a single bullet has killed how many people? Don't want to blame our rulers, only a person as amoral as China itself could imagine a destructive power of this virus, they have tried several times, haven't they? That's it, this virus is the end of the world, unless we put an end on China before it, but where is the Guardian of Freedom, the USA? Or has the eagle become a chick? What good is it having so many bombs? In Iraq, they knew it isn't, the USA went there and destroyed everything, but in China, they don't have the same braveness.

They made Chinatowns in New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia and every major US city has a Chinatown, so we feed the Great Dragon, now let's run from its fire! You know, it's very sad because every human being who's gone before the time it's partly our fault, well, not mine neither of many other people who, like me, do not buy Chinese products. Never again the world will be the same, it will even change the name of the planet from Earth into China.

A new year begins already with a new variant of the virus, the vaccine is no longer suitable for this new variant and the bootlickers of China, unfortunately, like the governor of São Paulo State who has no honor because he wants at all costs that Anvisa (National Agency of Health) approves the vaccine of the killer, of the one who caused the world chaos, it's like when a murderer is judged, instead of giving him/her the death penalty, it'd given to him a Faustian bargain, the question is: why is he doing this? So, hypothetically, I go to your house, kill your son and you still give me his bedroom as he's giving land to the Chinese dealers? There is an interview with him that is terrible, it is locked under seven keys and during this interview he denigrates everyone who is not Chinese and states that they are hard workers, so what's he doing here? Go away! After that tight blue pants that dishonored the people of São Paulo, it's not a matter of what clothes he can choose to wear, but he represents the State of São Paulo belonging to the Federative Republic of Brazil, so he must honor and respect it and don't wear those blue pants meaning "I'm in need ", a very tight one, which is not worthy of a people, so I could not wish Merry Christmas in memory of those who died and they didn't even know the reason.

How many more people, my God! Neither you nor I are free, we will always stay in that neuroticism, they are used to it, they have always used a mask because they are the largest polluters on Earth, however, God is not blind, it's time to wake up to see the dangerousness of China that is enslaving and closing countries, borders, cities, stores, causing the world disruption, there are still people who want to get the vaccine sold by China, great, if they die alone, but they can transmit it to us. Who guarantees that this vaccine does not contain another virus that will break out in about two years?

Wake up!! Say no to China and say yes to you, to humanity and say yes to life!!!

Katia Paes

Saturday, June 20, 2020


Where is the country that guaranteed freedom whose symbol is an eagle as it was in Rome, in the III Reich? That country was said to be a protector of freedom. It is hypocrisy, because this country lives on products made in China, very poor quality falsifications - containing lead, which is toxic - any stupid knows it, so I ask this country: protector of what freedom? If China is much more powerful than them, China hasn't used a single bullet and knocked out the world! I want to warn all people of the world that, just as China does with dogs, cats and other animals, selling organs of their prisoners, it will do it to us, the world will be China's colony. We can trade shit for crap, as I assure you that China is infinitely worse than the United States.

I know several Chinese companies with an American facade, but in the end, they are Chinese, it is only a facade, but the interior of the companies is Chinese, ex: "Jerde" and like her, there are thousands of them, that's why the United States is so quiet. What's up, Trump? I prefer the madness of George W. Bush who made up a catastrophic lie to justify the invasion of Iraq causing its destruction. Why haven't the United States done this to China yet? Do you want to free the communism? We are guilty, except myself and others who never bought Chinese goods, but it started producing television sets and other electronic devices for half the manufacturing price than other countries. It has no commodities, it needs the world's raw material and the world is a prostitute who allows her to do it profiting from the resale for almost 3 times more. If the United States does not take a serious and honorable stand against China, as well as their ancestors, it will swallow them up and we will be their victims. Bad, mediocre people and once again who opened the doors to them allowing all of this with the creation of the neighbourhoods called "Chinatown"? It's absurd! Canada would not do that, honourable and serious countries like it, wouldn't do it too, even ordinary South Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese whores are imported into the US and Europe. They don't even know how to pretend, they stink, it's ridiculous, we are guilty of being in this deplorable situation and stuck in our house without being able to leave because of the Virus. Yes, George W. Bush only missed the country, but the mass destruction is there, in memory of all those who lost their lives.

The US resolves this quickly by building a monument to the victims, as if it soothes the sadness of the missing of loved ones. Where is the protector of freedom? "Freedom!" Why did the International Court of The Hague do nothing? This is worse than a holocaust. Well, I did warn you, does Trump honour his position, or does he want to be the first loser to China? Who is he before the world? The world has stopped! And that virginal complacency accepted without doing anything! Yes, act with what you have between your legs! Isn't that how you beat Hilary? So prove now that you are a man, that you worth something! Good luck World!

See what a dangerous country will be in the place of the USA, it used neither a bullet nor a bomb, only a virus.

Kátia Paes

PS: The United States has not yet forgotten the great defeat for Vietnam or Korea.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


When something brings you more annoyance than happiness, it's time to leave, for the time being, provisionally. There are better things than trying to fix your column because of typing, but I'm still grateful to have made real friends, so on May 31st, I decided to leave Facebook. Thanks to those ones who made me feel very happy. Whoever did it knows, but the offenses, the bad manners and the low level made me see that some people who use it, criticize without base and enough intelligence to debate, only know how to curse and offend.

Whoever seeks it for distraction purposes, finds degradation. You cannot say your true opinion because they throw brick at you. Education and rationality is what makes us most different from irrational animals, but in truth, I see animals considered irrational to be more educated, polite and thinking beings than those ones made in the resemblance of God.

Facebook is guilty of allowing pictures of naked women to be exposed, with their butt sticking out in profile and doing nothing, now you can't give an opinion against and you end up blocked. I can prove it in the section "people you may know" and I made a point of asking for friendship to be able to prove it, after all, I have a son in the judiciary.

People who defend China - which stopped the world without using a bullet - a people that throw dogs to the lions like Christians were thrown to them at the Colosseum, but Christians were thinking people, rational people and dogs, helpless victims, but nobody does anything against China, we are her slaves, the USA passed her the banner. In my opinion, in doing so, China arrested people in their homes, separating families, mothers, children, fathers, grandchildren, and everything was accepted with a fearful placidity. Migliaccio was right to say that living with a certain type of person is deplorable, in my case, I prefer death to come back to the Colosseum times. We remain the same, only indicating the thumb down (death) or up (life), then, like that saying: who's feeling annoyed can quit, then bye!

PS: Death comes to everyone.

Kátia Paes