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Friday, January 1, 2021


I wish I had wished you all a Merry Christmas, but I couldn't do it because I thought of those that this damned virus took and then I thought of their families, father, mother, children, uncles, I thought it was a lack of respect. When you lose a true friend, if you suffer, what to say about a loved one? A question I ask myself every day: how does an amoral people like the Chinese ones to enslave the world? They kill, exterminate a good part of it and still have admirers. I wondered several times, if it wasn't because of the death of the dogs and cats, if it wasn't because we haven't done anything, everyone regrets, but nobody still does anything, after all, they are just animals, not now, it's about the human being.

What right does China have to enslave the world? To decree the unhappiness of others? How many videos have we seen of them passing the masks to be exported on the faces of sick people? Then I keep asking myself: in exchange for what has China created a virus so lethal and mutable? It means that there is no vaccine, there will be mutations that have already started in the UK. We have given this power to China because of the R$ 1.99 stores that were created, we have bought toys knowing they were fakes, other products like bags and other ones, we have made the greed of the amoral machine to grow, well, “why we will have only part of the world if we can have all of them enslaved to us”? That's their thought. Yeah, we are slaves of this motherfucking China which without spending a single bullet has killed how many people? Don't want to blame our rulers, only a person as amoral as China itself could imagine a destructive power of this virus, they have tried several times, haven't they? That's it, this virus is the end of the world, unless we put an end on China before it, but where is the Guardian of Freedom, the USA? Or has the eagle become a chick? What good is it having so many bombs? In Iraq, they knew it isn't, the USA went there and destroyed everything, but in China, they don't have the same braveness.

They made Chinatowns in New York, San Francisco, Philadelphia and every major US city has a Chinatown, so we feed the Great Dragon, now let's run from its fire! You know, it's very sad because every human being who's gone before the time it's partly our fault, well, not mine neither of many other people who, like me, do not buy Chinese products. Never again the world will be the same, it will even change the name of the planet from Earth into China.

A new year begins already with a new variant of the virus, the vaccine is no longer suitable for this new variant and the bootlickers of China, unfortunately, like the governor of São Paulo State who has no honor because he wants at all costs that Anvisa (National Agency of Health) approves the vaccine of the killer, of the one who caused the world chaos, it's like when a murderer is judged, instead of giving him/her the death penalty, it'd given to him a Faustian bargain, the question is: why is he doing this? So, hypothetically, I go to your house, kill your son and you still give me his bedroom as he's giving land to the Chinese dealers? There is an interview with him that is terrible, it is locked under seven keys and during this interview he denigrates everyone who is not Chinese and states that they are hard workers, so what's he doing here? Go away! After that tight blue pants that dishonored the people of São Paulo, it's not a matter of what clothes he can choose to wear, but he represents the State of São Paulo belonging to the Federative Republic of Brazil, so he must honor and respect it and don't wear those blue pants meaning "I'm in need ", a very tight one, which is not worthy of a people, so I could not wish Merry Christmas in memory of those who died and they didn't even know the reason.

How many more people, my God! Neither you nor I are free, we will always stay in that neuroticism, they are used to it, they have always used a mask because they are the largest polluters on Earth, however, God is not blind, it's time to wake up to see the dangerousness of China that is enslaving and closing countries, borders, cities, stores, causing the world disruption, there are still people who want to get the vaccine sold by China, great, if they die alone, but they can transmit it to us. Who guarantees that this vaccine does not contain another virus that will break out in about two years?

Wake up!! Say no to China and say yes to you, to humanity and say yes to life!!!

Katia Paes

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