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Sunday, November 4, 2018


Once again, I ask you to give the new one a chance, because to vote in the government that we are is to sink Brazil even more. How sad I was this week when I saw Zacharias store, at Av. Copacabana with Hilário de Gouvêia, to close after much struggle. For 50 years it was a store of respect and quality that made of its customers, friends. How I enjoyed going with my mother at that store because the treatment was European, with politeness. I got sad, a part of that girl who accompanied her mother in her adolescence, got lost and another part of the stores that made the history of Av. Copacabana have gone along with Santa Fe, Casa Cruz, Casa Mattos and many others. The carioca suffers with what is happening with Brazil, especially with Rio de Janeiro because it is sensitive and attached to its history, so what I want for Rio de Janeiro, for my Brazil is that you support Bolsonaro and I have authority on this matter because I was the daughter of a man who's got removed from his position due to the dictature and the fame they are putting on him is a lie. They want to frighten those who are not. Bolsonaro is a chance for returning of the respectability of a people that has fallen like sugar in the water.

Please, bring us Brazil back! Don't allow make jokes abroad with our country, a country that's been roughed up abroad, a land of corruption, where anything can. I know he has nothing of the 64 Revolution, but you know what? I prefer the revolution of 64, as the daughter of a cassado, I miss it because gasoline only increases once a year, prices only go up once a year, of course there were excesses, yes, there were, but in the dictatorship that Lula put, of almost 15 years of PT, there were no excesses, but catastrophes, outbursts, justice agonizes and you still want to continue with this? I love my Brazil and I miss the 70's: I love you my Brazil, I love you, my heart is green, yellow, white, indigo blue. I love you my Brazil, I love you, nobody holds the youth of Brazil. This youth that is old like me today, at 60 years old, but who owns the truth for their own experience. I know that Bolsonaro can not be labeled for just attending military school and want to put discipline and order in the country because progress comes automatically with these two words. Thank you! I'm for Bolsonaro and thank God I never voted for Lula!

Thank you Your Excellency and courageous Judge Moro. He had no issues on his spine, no sickness, nothing to stop him, nothing to restrain his courage and determination to do justice. If today we have the chance to change, we owe it to you, for it was you who put the outlaw, Lula, in prison, in the place he should be. Thank you for giving this precious chance to our beloved homeland called Brazil! Without you, he would be fighting and winning because PT (Labour Party) would not want to let go of the robbery he did. You arrested the head of the gang because I have never seen so much robbery, so much robbery, so much robbery that even behind the bars, he continues imposing his will and his dictatorship. Fool is the one who thinks Haddad would be the president, he would only be a puppet and would obey Mr. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Let us not waste the chance that you have barely offered the Brazilian Nation.

Thank you, God bless and guide us. Do not let your sacrifice be in vain.

Katia Paes

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