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Sunday, May 27, 2018


Remember: you do not know the time that you will be called, so do not humiliate yourself and you will not be humiliated and do not feel greater than Him because you are not. Do not be superb, because you do not know, with all your power, your greatness, your roughness, you do not know, like a homeless, the hour you will die and stand before Him, if not, direct to hell.

1. You will love the Right (Law) from front to back and backwards, because if you do not love it with intensity, you will love the Left, your opponent;

2. You do not have to say at all times that you are a judge, judge, judge ... be humble, because when you die, you will go in a coffin just like the others and you will rot faster because of your pride. Be humble;

3. Treat even the worst marginal with descency, after all, because the first one to obey the law and enforce is you. The marginal man was, sometimes, not so lucky. Do not be impaphy, like the judge of the 3rd Court of Orphans and Successions of Rio de Janeiro;

4. Do not lose your lucidity;

05. Do not tilt from side to side, do not be passionate -> 3rd Rod of Orphans and Successions of Rio de Janeiro;

06. Before you judge, say a pray. God give you the wisdom of Solomon;

07. Do not mix the anger and the frustration that you brought from home to your subordinates, they are not guilty, ex: if you are ugly, it is not their fault, but your parents. Note: I know so many ugly people who are so good inside and have such a great peace;

08. Do not offend the integrity of who seek you. Remember: above you, there is a judge;

09. Look at yourself in the mirror, look to see how you really are, in fact, so maybe you have a better day, more profitable and more worthy of the position you occupy;

10. Be right in everything, be correct in your judgments, do not listen to gossip or help friends for their own benefit. If you follow what I tell you, perhaps when He calls you, the Great Judge, you have a chance, otherwise you go quickly to the hellfire.
Remember: we are all equal before God and the great commandment: love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Good luck to the righteous and let the hell expect the wicked!

Kátia Paes

Don't miss:



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