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Saturday, May 27, 2017


After creating the second Facebook profile - because the first one has been automatically cancelled when adding my e-mail address - on my second login, at the date of yesterday. 

In my profile I've written about some old Brazilian folk songs of my childhood in which, in its major part, incites the children to violence, such as "I threw the wood at the cat, but the cat hasn't died and Dona Chica got admired with the cat's scream". Other song that has been criticised is:"Fall, fall balloon, fall here in my hand", instigating children to release illegal balloons in the air, causing fire on the woods, towns and in electrical power stations. 

Ecologists, let's create a movement to banish these songs out of the Brazilian and World folklore.

Other songs such as: "Look Zezé's haircut, is he ...? is he... ?"; "Mary Dyke, dyke, dyke, in the daylight she's Mary, in the night time she's John", instigating children to make jokes with homosexuality and there's a law for it nowadays. Why can't it be obeyed? Differently from the North American songs such as: "Itsy Bitsy Spider", showing the persistence of a small animal that doesn't give up on its goal. Grade 100. Congratulations!

In my opinion, one of the best TV series that ever existed was OZ, showing the reality of the North American jails, where I've put four Chris Meloni's photos. Two of them earlier in his career and other two acting, one of them at OZ, however, there are several photos of him naked in this TV series, although it hasn't been my goal, because he's symmetrically perfect, he's the male pair of Botticelli's Venus for being so perfect as he is. Simply I've been treated as an outlaw and my Facebook's profile has been cancelled.

Where's the law of freedom of expression? I've spoken about Mr Christopher Meloni very respectfully and admiring, as well as missing him when he acted in Law & Order - SVU. A proof of it is the constant changes of Olivia's partners after his leaving. No one has replaced him, you can't replace the irreplaceable, I'm not speaking that the other actors who have replaced him are not good actors, nevertheless, Mr Meloni represented with mastery his role as Detective Slater, which is very hard to compare (as a replacement). And look, he worked all dressed! He's an amazing actor, Incredible!

That's it, they've removed me. For me, Facebook is just a little soldier obeying to some General's order. Lamentable. I've been disrespected as citizen and thinking being. quoting M. Descartes: "I think, therefore I am".

Congratulations for the obedience to the General. 

Kátia Paes

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