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Friday, May 29, 2020

Unconditional Love For Animals - pt. 2

My father was used to go every Sunday to the fair of Caxias (a town in the outskirts of Rio) and once he brought 2 little chicks for me and my brother. In one week, my little chick had became fat and learned how to follow me while my brother's was weak, mistreated and I don't know how to explain, suddenly and inexplicably, a piece of wood fell over it, consequently killing it. I was on the shower and as soon as I finished it, I asked to Nilza's sister, who lived with my family, where was my little chick. She replied that due to the death of my brother's little chick, my mother ordered my father to put an end on my little chick's life, throwing it on the thrash can, so I ran and opened it, rolled it on a piece of fabric as well as I did to my brother's, kissed them and my mother again took them off my hands and threw them again into the thrash can, menacing to beat me if I get them once again, to conclude it, she said I would be a company to them. Her justification for killing my little chick was absurd, she said mine would be missing the other who died.

Kátia Paes

Unconditional love for animals - pt. 1 - THE SHAME OF HUMANITY

The killing of dogs, the world stops because of China, but who is China? I came from the time that China was a shitty country, where there was a woman who commanded and disgraced her husband, Mao Tse Tung, who died the death he deserved, but he should have died as the helpless dogs which are killed there every year and nobody does anything. Do you know who brought China into the world wanting to take Communism out of it? The United States! They shit with fear of them, they lost to another shitty country that is Vietnam and also to another one, Korea, but they are prostitutes, hustlers, better saying. Neither dying as people are in New York, nor with the current situation, they do nothing!

I miss Bush who, in his eagerness to show that the United States was still the United States, invented a lie and blew up Iraq. It was the first country to give China its own territory in the very country of freedom, Chinatown. It started in San Francisco, then New York, Los Angeles, and other cities. They not only brought China to the United States, but also introduced it to the world. Coward! Do nothing now. Against Iraq it was invented that biological and mass destruction weapons existed, but where are they that have not been discovered? If there is a guilty, an accomplice, a participant in that disgusting virus that killed so many people, that accomplice was the United States, as it was with Bin Laden, but in the September 11, 2001 attack, 1/3 of the who died now. I must remember that the creator of Bin Laden was also the USA.

A moment to relax those who have been enclosed for more than 5 months at home without being a criminal because of a virus, a question to Mr Trump, or rather, a riddle that you already know the answer to: was it worth building the wall ? Was it worth strengthening airport security? You know, the virus could not be deported, as it is microscopic. The Americans themselves, their countrymen, have brought them and your arrogance has been deliciously crumbled. Well done! The eagle has been afraid of the nightingale, but since you are stupid and ignorant, you learn nothing at all, the only thing you can say is the first and fifth amendments to the Constitution, and that’s a lot, isn’t it?

I think the United States should go with China to the Hague Tribunal for the deaths and the genocide caused to humanity. The USA is the biggest buyer of China, so we are waiting for your actions because cowardice has no limit and I will not get my feet dirty, let alone my character. China rules the world and you still obey and did nothing to stop it, so countries defend themselves from the USA, which is a lure. Now I will stop or I will throw up in disgust from the USA. Germany is a real country, Italy is a real country and even third world countries are real countries. Why the wall, Mr. Prick, who was unable to defend those who were protected by him? Canada, watch out! You are very close, protect yourself from the United States, they are a China without stretched eyes. Prove I'm wrong, react and act! Otherwise, I’m totally right! Japan was right, China has to be annihilated, where does that money come from to become Dubai?

Kátia Paes

I Am the Owner of the World

From this article in which you are reading, you'll be able to understand the reason of my defense of slaughtered dogs in China that are being skinned alive, fried alive, hanged on with loose ropes in order to watch them die, trying to release themselves and if they got released, they are finished with baseball bat strikes. Chinese prostitutes eat small rats still alive putting them entirely into their mouths and showing their remaining on their teeth; the Chinese are worse than sharks that eat everything. It's a warning because God is not blind. The USA should have left Japan end them up during the Second World War, however, they didn't left it happen. Well done, they lost in Vietnam and Korea. Where's the eagle that promised to protect the world and used it as an excuse to attack Iraq alleging the presence of massive destruction weapons, but so far, nothing was found and currently we know it was a lie. Is the so protective eagle of  the world afraid of the nightingale? China simply stopped the world, tearing apart mothers and fathers from their children. A question that I would like to ask you: where does COVID-19 came from? From China! Do you think a former colony of England, then led by Mao Tse Tung, could be a world power like this at the point of the USA be so afraid of? Will I be unfair? Why the mighty eagle has done nothing with the deceased people in New York and the rest of the country that was infected by the COVID-19? Where are you Mr. Trump, Mr. President of the World Safety? Do these Americans have any meaning for you? Nothing is being done and when the Twin Towers went to the ground, much less people had deceased and the government has done what everyone has watched in the mass medias and celebrated it as well. Based on what China is doing currently, what happened to the Twin Towers is an amateur act, so would it worth to buy a wall? This immigrant turned its back to the Americans and to the wall separating Mexico from the USA, a so mighty wall, showing on the opulence of it and the arrogance of a people were not enough to block the undesirable and invisible immigrant, the one the US Customs could never deport it because the own Americans brought them during their trips trought Asia very well protected in their bodies.

To end it, as China had other viruses like H1N1, now they have COVID-19 and the next one will not leave anybody survive if the world don't get together and defend itself from this power that China has now, this virus. Why do these viruses don't come from other countries? The next virus, Earth Terminator, watch out, it's not a bomb that destroys, because a bomb doesn't have such a great power and abrangence as this virus has had. I my not resist to this virus, but my words will resist in everyone's mind who read this blog.