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Tuesday, May 14, 2019


I think it's hypocrisy if you put a month dedicated to taking a mammogram to detect cancer. Whoever did this should be very stupid because the cancer doesn't know colour, financial situation, much less the time. It shows up in any month, so why October? Who was the genius who made this freakiness? I already know women who had mammograms in October and the cancer was in an advanced stage because they were following this Pink October, so do it like I said, do it for you, for them, for all who love you, say yes to life, do the mammography, do more than one once a year and your chances will increase a lot by making of it a regular examination, not waiting for the month of October. Do you retribute the milk you give your new born with death? With a mastectomy? So, take care of them, they deserve respect.

The original message of the 2016 campaign that some sick men have deviated the meaning:
For you, for them, for all who love you, say yes to life, do the mammography. You do not need to wait for October arrives, it may be late.

Kátia Paes, 60 years old, with the original breasts.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


My grandfather used to say that there is the clever one because there is the stupid one. In part, it's true. The scammers look at my profile portrait and say, "This old woman is an easy target, must be needy, men does not like old women, she must have been abandoned, she must be sick" and so it goes on. They still claim that us, white people, have exploited them in a distant past. It is ambiguous to talk about them the scammers, because they do not put a revolver in our heads demanding us: "gimme your money". We do it of our own free will, maybe the past came knocking at our door. There is no love as fast as theirs, this is the first warning, then they are widowed or divorced men and they want to have a mother for their children. They say their children are sick, they have suffered an accident, they are starving or they are not in other countries, they have had problems with their credit card, etc. If there is a crime, it is their fault to deal with your frail part, especially with their most fragile victims: the women. They steal profile photos from men in the internet, you fall in love for those stolen photos and they say what you want to hear. Another serious mistake, there are websites that want to help people be warned against this monstrosity that plagues the social networks, mainly Instagram, and puts the photos of people who have had their profiles stolen, however, without the real names of the people who actually have had their photos stolen by these scammers.

I may be very stupid, but the person who is being cheated by a scammer and has fallen in love for them, not the real person, they will never say that they, scammers, is not real, so these sites shouldn't charge any money to bring the truth to those who are being deceived, because it is even an humanitarian service. This scam attitude this can bring several consequences such as depression, suicide, among others that affect the self-esteem of a woman, since many women must already being going through a hard time in their lives, otherwise, they would not pay attention to these kind of people.

My score against the scammers is 24 x 0 so far. I gave no money to anybody and I will never give because if they ask for money, it's because they do not like you. In my opinion, scammers are a kind of cancer that keep growing without you feeling and when you realise it, it's late. This almost happened to me, but thanks God, I always put reason over emotion. If I can do it, you can do it too. Do not let this cancer grows, remove it before you become a statistic number. It's my current score against the scammers:

1. Ryan Conor;

2. Eric Favre;

3. Patrice Pelligreni;

4. Olivier Garnier;

5. Jean-Maire;

6. Cyrill Drape;

7. Albert Ferby - real name: Pepe Di Giorgio(pepdigio), a model.

8. John Kelvin - Real name: Dr. David B. Samadhi (a famous US Physician);

9. James Grey;

10. Aurelien Bennetique / Lawrence J. Ecker(tasiukaifi.wanzam): Real name: Dr. Fernando G. Pinto (Neurologista), I know the real one. In this photo he is along with the Brazilian actor Ary Fontoura;

11. Johnmark Vickers;

12. Andy Smith;

13. Stephane Chanoux;

14. Christian Martinou;

15. Patrick Coron;

16. Jean Martin;

17. Marc Alain;

18. Sokoba Suleimane;

19. Prince Harry from UK;

20. Prince Fazza from UAE;

21. Christophe Damas;

22. Julien Fournier;

23. Robert J. Moore - real name: José Carlos Oliveira: 

24. Jackson Larry; 

The article below shows very well how works the slot machine that's how a scammer's life is, they still call you "partners" and "customers" who are charging you for the years of slavery imposed on Africans. According to this article, I believe it is better the scammers to look for another witch doctor. Read the Australian article on their website below:

What right do these scammers have for using the photos of hard working men who have their own lives? Just to get revenge because their ancestors were slaves? Why not fight to make their countries a better place to live and show they have the capacity for good actions? I did not close my Instagram account because my blog is linked to it, but I almost did it.

I urge the sites and social networks, especially Instagram, that is the gateway for all of them, because this abominable practice only tends to grow.

The scammers abuse of the freedom that people have of making friends, of being happy because the solitude is horrible. When they say they are doing it for us to pay for the slavery that we put them through, I've got to remind them that they are far worse than the people who enslaved them. As far as I'm concerned, it's an excuse to steal us, but not only our money, they are putting the life of emotionally fragilised people at risk and it's a real danger because the depression can come and make happen a tragedy. Those lads make 2 sorts of victim: those people who they steal the profile photos and those ones who they extort money. The world must be united to end them up because they are a cancer and if they are not cut off in the beginning, they tend to grow and take the person to death, then the world must be united against them and denounce always.

Katia Paes

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Everyone complains about the difficulty of educating children by leaving the teacher and the school the arduous and unpleasant task of doing a job, an obligation due to parents. These ones, quite often, accuse the school by saying: "This boy is so bad after starting to study that he does not obey us." It is always good to remember an old proverb: "A dog of two owners dies of thirst and hunger". It's simple: if you can not raise your children, do not have them, you'll create a better world without rude children or megalomaniac adults.

Katia Paes