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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Happy 5780 - Shaná Tová Umetuká !!!

Shaná Tová Umetuká - For you, for all you family and for a Great Nation!!! 

Happy 5780 - I wish this year be bigger and better than any other !!! 

Friday, September 13, 2019


Say no to Korean products because they said yes the killing of dogs and the worst: they are indifferent. Are you still going to give them money to keep it up? Recalling that there have been cases of batteries explosion of a very famous Korean brand cell phone in the market. Every cell phone you buy from their brand makes you a participant because they do nothing to prevent the killing. Please check the Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese restaurants because it has been rumored to use pigeon meat instead of chicken meat, which is highly risky to human health because of the transmission of toxoplasmosis, commonly known as "chicken disease." pigeon". Do you want a bigger reason for you to avoid it? Well, I warned you, then don't say it's the pigeons' fault.

Health surveillance, wake up! Eyes on Koreans, Chinese and Vietnamese !!! Where there's smoke there's fire!! If there's a rumor, it's because it has a real background.

Kátia Paes

Sunday, August 18, 2019


I have removed all my photos because of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, South Korea and China which is proud to be big but allows dogs and cats to be eaten. You wouldn't eat your pet, would you? So do not allow these unfortunate countries of ASIA to do so. "I can't do anything, it's their culture," as a reporter who lived in China said. Everything evolves. China, you can't be big if you allow yourself to eat what is small, defenseless, vulnerable, what gives love ... when you have earthquakes you use dogs to find survivors. Even in Brazil now there are a lot of Koreans who might be doing this without you being aware of it. If there is no demand, there is no consumption. They only do it because they have demand, like a restaurant in Sao Paulo from Koreans who had been serving dog meat for some time, but their customers ate without being aware they were eating dogs, until police went there and found the last dog tied waiting for the time to be killed, bound and caged. Just search the internet you will find. I'm not stupid, I know there are countries in Asia that don't eat, like India, Thailand, and others, but they are so close and do nothing. 

So it's that simple, everyone who is Asian, don't look for my page. Oh, Japan doesn't eat either, but it eats whales, disrespecting the limits of other countries, besides horse meat, which is the same, after the horse works, works, works so hard, that's what he gets for helping. the race called human.
Say NO and do something, do not eat in Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and other restaurants. Brazil is shameful, it imports panga fish from Vietnam. When you go to a restaurant of these nationalities: CHINA, SOUTH KOREA, VIETNAM, CAMBODIA, LAOS, make sure the meat does not bark and the chicken does not meow.

WATCH OUT BRAZIL! It spread his legs to the Koreans, where he was Portuguese, now he is Korean.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Vietnam's people are the modern nazis. It's really regrettable the USA have lost the war to them. They do to the dogs the same that the Germans did to Jews, however, the disgusting feeling the Germans had for us was so huge that they cremated us, after all, we were only bones, so what lasted to be eaten? What is done in Vietnam to the dogs is a sort of Holocaust, indeed.

Why do I compare this situation with Holocaust? Because our ancestors believed that they were going to a better place, for being well cared, well treated, but in the end they saw it was not true. At least this was the propaganda Hitler did to the German people. Let's be Schindler and save lives. Who saves the small ones become a big heart before God.

Hitler is alive and lives in Vietnam. HAIL VIETNAM!

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION! In name of all those who have gone and didn't have who stood for them.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


I think it's hypocrisy if you put a month dedicated to taking a mammogram to detect cancer. Whoever did this should be very stupid because the cancer doesn't know colour, financial situation, much less the time. It shows up in any month, so why October? Who was the genius who made this freakiness? I already know women who had mammograms in October and the cancer was in an advanced stage because they were following this Pink October, so do it like I said, do it for you, for them, for all who love you, say yes to life, do the mammography, do more than one once a year and your chances will increase a lot by making of it a regular examination, not waiting for the month of October. Do you retribute the milk you give your new born with death? With a mastectomy? So, take care of them, they deserve respect.

The original message of the 2016 campaign that some sick men have deviated the meaning:
For you, for them, for all who love you, say yes to life, do the mammography. You do not need to wait for October arrives, it may be late.

Kátia Paes, 60 years old, with the original breasts.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


My grandfather used to say that there is the clever one because there is the stupid one. In part, it's true. The scammers look at my profile portrait and say, "This old woman is an easy target, must be needy, men does not like old women, she must have been abandoned, she must be sick" and so it goes on. They still claim that us, white people, have exploited them in a distant past. It is ambiguous to talk about them the scammers, because they do not put a revolver in our heads demanding us: "gimme your money". We do it of our own free will, maybe the past came knocking at our door. There is no love as fast as theirs, this is the first warning, then they are widowed or divorced men and they want to have a mother for their children. They say their children are sick, they have suffered an accident, they are starving or they are not in other countries, they have had problems with their credit card, etc. If there is a crime, it is their fault to deal with your frail part, especially with their most fragile victims: the women. They steal profile photos from men in the internet, you fall in love for those stolen photos and they say what you want to hear. Another serious mistake, there are websites that want to help people be warned against this monstrosity that plagues the social networks, mainly Instagram, and puts the photos of people who have had their profiles stolen, however, without the real names of the people who actually have had their photos stolen by these scammers.

I may be very stupid, but the person who is being cheated by a scammer and has fallen in love for them, not the real person, they will never say that they, scammers, is not real, so these sites shouldn't charge any money to bring the truth to those who are being deceived, because it is even an humanitarian service. This scam attitude this can bring several consequences such as depression, suicide, among others that affect the self-esteem of a woman, since many women must already being going through a hard time in their lives, otherwise, they would not pay attention to these kind of people.

My score against the scammers is 24 x 0 so far. I gave no money to anybody and I will never give because if they ask for money, it's because they do not like you. In my opinion, scammers are a kind of cancer that keep growing without you feeling and when you realise it, it's late. This almost happened to me, but thanks God, I always put reason over emotion. If I can do it, you can do it too. Do not let this cancer grows, remove it before you become a statistic number. It's my current score against the scammers:

1. Ryan Conor;

2. Eric Favre;

3. Patrice Pelligreni;

4. Olivier Garnier;

5. Jean-Maire;

6. Cyrill Drape;

7. Albert Ferby - real name: Pepe Di Giorgio(pepdigio), a model.

8. John Kelvin - Real name: Dr. David B. Samadhi (a famous US Physician);

9. James Grey;

10. Aurelien Bennetique / Lawrence J. Ecker(tasiukaifi.wanzam): Real name: Dr. Fernando G. Pinto (Neurologista), I know the real one. In this photo he is along with the Brazilian actor Ary Fontoura;

11. Johnmark Vickers;

12. Andy Smith;

13. Stephane Chanoux;

14. Christian Martinou;

15. Patrick Coron;

16. Jean Martin;

17. Marc Alain;

18. Sokoba Suleimane;

19. Prince Harry from UK;

20. Prince Fazza from UAE;

21. Christophe Damas;

22. Julien Fournier;

23. Robert J. Moore - real name: José Carlos Oliveira: 

24. Jackson Larry; 

The article below shows very well how works the slot machine that's how a scammer's life is, they still call you "partners" and "customers" who are charging you for the years of slavery imposed on Africans. According to this article, I believe it is better the scammers to look for another witch doctor. Read the Australian article on their website below:

What right do these scammers have for using the photos of hard working men who have their own lives? Just to get revenge because their ancestors were slaves? Why not fight to make their countries a better place to live and show they have the capacity for good actions? I did not close my Instagram account because my blog is linked to it, but I almost did it.

I urge the sites and social networks, especially Instagram, that is the gateway for all of them, because this abominable practice only tends to grow.

The scammers abuse of the freedom that people have of making friends, of being happy because the solitude is horrible. When they say they are doing it for us to pay for the slavery that we put them through, I've got to remind them that they are far worse than the people who enslaved them. As far as I'm concerned, it's an excuse to steal us, but not only our money, they are putting the life of emotionally fragilised people at risk and it's a real danger because the depression can come and make happen a tragedy. Those lads make 2 sorts of victim: those people who they steal the profile photos and those ones who they extort money. The world must be united to end them up because they are a cancer and if they are not cut off in the beginning, they tend to grow and take the person to death, then the world must be united against them and denounce always.

Katia Paes

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Everyone complains about the difficulty of educating children by leaving the teacher and the school the arduous and unpleasant task of doing a job, an obligation due to parents. These ones, quite often, accuse the school by saying: "This boy is so bad after starting to study that he does not obey us." It is always good to remember an old proverb: "A dog of two owners dies of thirst and hunger". It's simple: if you can not raise your children, do not have them, you'll create a better world without rude children or megalomaniac adults.

Katia Paes

Monday, April 15, 2019


I did not believe in the afterlife until yesterday, but the experience I had that Sunday night took me to heaven and hell at the same time. It was horrifying, bizarre, wonderful, enchanting, up to a point. How does anyone know what was never learned, what was never did, not even practised? Until then, everything was unknown, suddenly the curtain of the mind is opened and the unknown ceases to exist, the experiences come to the surface as if they were your great companion. From an ignorant person, you become a teacher, PHd, about the previous, ignored. I know when I would do it, I would do it with excellence. It's like a flame, you do not need to put your hand in a candle flame to know that it will burn it. Where did I learn it? How do I know that in doing so, would it surprise my partner? And why did not this curtain open with my ex-husband? How to explain the inexplicable? I will end it with a phrase from Shakespeare:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Katia Paes

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Maybe this man on the photos be innocent and have no idea that he's being used on this scheme of extorsion on Instagram using fake profiles named as Ryan Conor (ryanconor23), Kyle Conor (kyleconor8). They use the following names:

- Ryan Conor: father of the children, widower, he's supposed works in a platform or a ship to be fixed in Israel. His children study in a Boarding School located in California's time zone.

- Kyle Conor: His daughter, studies in the boarding school;

- Gary Conor: His son, studies in the boarding school. E-mail:

- Lisa Derrick: Teacher at the boarding school. E-mail:

He uses the mobile phone with the following number as whatsapp: 828 372 2395

Ryan is a widower for 2 years and his children are study in this boarding school. He asks money to pay a school trip fo his childre, but as he's working in the sea, his credit card doesn't work and the woman from the school contacts you by e-mail, as the children as well, to work with your emotional.

Watch out this scheme! Don't pay attention, don't get involved, do like me, report it to the authorities. Here are the photos:


Saturday, February 16, 2019


What scary thing! 2019 begins with gloomy catastrophes. One of them, the one of Brumadinho, we blame the government because the one of Mariana was not enough to harden the law and avoid a second catastrophe.

They will say that there was no time and the guilty is the previous government. Now, the tragedy of Mariana was internationally spoken, it was to be a priority of this government, it was to be done a great inspection in all the dams, but the government counting on the short memory of the Brazilian people, leaves everything for later, furthermore, everything starts after of the Carnaval holidays and if theywere aware, they would see that there are other dams in danger of breaking, but two of them I can not even say the sadness that hits me, about two television icons. One in the journalistic area, Ricardo Eugênio Boechat, the other one in the artistic part that loses a great lady, Bibi Ferreira. All in such a short space of time. People say that nothing is irreplaceable, I disagree. The mother who loses one child may have ten others who will not replace the one she has lost. Just like the tragedy in Brumadinho, those who lost their loved ones, innocent souls, how to replace them? How to remedy? The same applies to Boechat and Bibi Ferreira. We got poorer in dignity (in Brumadinho), because it could be avoided; defenceless, since a serious and true reporter who defended the people like no one, an atheist with God in his heart, what many people say they believe in God, but they do not have Him in their hearts and Bibi, what a small name for such a great lady, so brilliant personality and gigantic in her talent.

I am desolate. Before I forget what can not be forgotten, the pain of the parents who lost their children in the nest of the urubu (a Brazilian sort of vulture), now stands in this game of ping-pong, who's to blame, my God! It is desperate to try to gauge the pain of their parents. I deliver a living son thinking of him having a better future and I get him back dead and inside a sealed coffin, they were not even able to see their son for the last time. Who is father and mother, who is not, measure the words that I am saying, you trusted in scoundrels because to leave those boys in such conditions in which they were, it has no qualifier. They will not be punished, they are in this ping-pong game, they are already starting the push-push game, saying that they did not have the license to work, so why was not it closed? Do you know why? It was not about the children of the authorities who were there. The guilt that the parents will feel to have entrusted the life so dear of their children, yes, as much as the parents are not guilty, they will always blame themselves. Now the real guilty people are sleeping peacefully, after all, their children are safely by their side.

My consternation, my condolences,
Katia Paes


For you people do not think I'm a rebel, do not say I did not warn you, we do not have enough public hospitals for a nuclear leakage catastrophe, just the building, because if the structure does not have even a bandage, how will they contain a catastrophe? Asking for individuals? This is almost a joke! Maybe it works because they will be hit too. 

Remember, I warned you on February 13, 2019.

                                                                                                                                 Katia Paes


May the people I persuaded to vote for Jair Bolsonaro, pardon me. To make mistakes is human, but when I saw yesterday the interview of the Minister of Mines and Energy, granted to GloboNews Economia, I got disappointed. He blames the blatant fines for the tragedies that happened in the town of Mariana and now in Brumadinho. It is not the derisory fine, but the lack of an effective fiscalisation project. Did not do it? Jail! What is the difference between them and the common people? Of a mother who steals milk to give her child hungry and from those who cause these tragedies? The mother who steals the milk is arrested. The father who does not pay pension and is unemployed for some reason or even sick, who bears it are the paternal grandparents. What is it? The child is no fuck of them, much less they served as pillow for both parents. There is an absurd case in which an elderly lady was arrested for not being able to pay the pension that her son should have given to his child, but he haven't. The judge did not think twice, jail! Did she open her legs? A child is responsibiity for both, the mother and the father, or is still there a story about getting pregnant to get a pension? Because if a mother really liked her child, she would not use it as a bargaining chip, she would not even put the father in court, even more the grandparents, then Minister, in case you do not know, it's the jail that hurts!

Let's go further. You, sir, reactivate the nuclear power, mainly Angra 3. Japan, a country of first world, could not control the leakage that occurred. Germany has a project to deactivate all its nuclear plants. Now I ask you, a fool, a stupid like me, if you have not been able to dominate, to stop the leakage of that catastrophe in Mariana, reaching the sea, now this one in Brumadinho, how you, sir, have the pretension that Brazil will prevent a radioactive leakage with proportions of Fukushima? Do you have a plan you have a plan to avoid a holocaust, better speaking, a genocide? Because they are innocent people, who did nothing, it will take the entire coast of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. If they did not know how to remediate two leaks, that was only to have supervised and fined, I say, jail them! As it was said in my time, when a dictatorship, let them "see the sun to rise square" and I ask, with respect to the Brazilians, that you prepare yourself better not to leave the reporter in a hard time, because she knew more than you. You see, I am a dumb person, if there was supervision, the fines could be invested more in schools, medicines, health. Look at the chaos that is going to be, it seems to ... I do not even want to think about the hypothesis of happening, we have our so effective health care system - SUS - on TV on a daily basis, which already lets die people in the queue, so have you thought about in case of a nuclear leak? So, what would you do? Would you call another country to help? The interview was pitiful. Get ready better in the next time, because if a dumbass like me got disappointed, can you imagine an intelligent person? Or do you consider the Brazilian people, dumb? Incompetent? Unable to recognize danger when they see it?

Respectfully to GloboNews,

Katia Paes

PS: Until now, those who showed service and competence in the new government were the Honorable Minister of the House of Justice, Mr. Moro, but he will not do miracles alone, it is necessary that the whole body of magistrates attend his school, I am feeling this on the skin because I am a victim of a judge who takes 3 months to summon a defendant, awaiting the return of the RA. Ridiculous, isn't it? That's something else for me. I'm relieved that it's just her, the others honor the toga, thank God. I must remind you that the ground judge must be guided by the Superior Judge, because he has the same function here on earth, which is to punish or not, but we have not seen this in Brazil lately, except with Judge Bretas, At least that's what I've seen. You give a good example of civility, love for the country and justice. For you, she (the justice) is not blind, she sees, and you punish the guilty. The Minister of Economy also seems to be able, but the time will tell.

Watch the complete report by clicking here.

Friday, February 1, 2019


Among all the books I have read and they have not been a few, what I liked the most were two: Madame Bovary and The Revenge of the Jew. This second one mixes a real fact with the spiritual part, so for those who are not spiritists, I do not know if I would look favourably, but the culture is only full when you do not restrict it to what you believe and to what makes you good, it is much broader than that. Prejudice does not fit with culture, because if I have prejudice against Africa, I will not read anything about Africa, this is an absurd! I have said some time ago that I consider all prejudice a violence on a greater or lesser scale, but a violence anyway. In case you segregate a book, "I do not like to read" or "the subject does not interest me", this shows a lack of growth. I had read my father's books at a young age, but if I had not read them, I would not know what I know today, or rather, I would not have survived. Ex: In my time, my parents did not talk to their children about sex, then one day, moving my father's things (I mean the books), I found out one that could be in my ignorance from 9 to 10 years, whose title reminded me of tales of love , princes and princesses, whose name was: My Life, My Loves (Translated into Portuguese, but the real name is My Secret Life - Author: Henry Spencer Ashbee). When I opened it and began to read, I closed it immediately, I did not even know that woman was virgin at that time, even more a book that is more a sort of a sex encyclopedia, even if pornographic and I said: "I'm in hell", but today, I would not only recommend it for women, but I would also recommend it for men, because some types of men are spiceless. When I say this it is because there are hypocritical men with their women, with their lovers. I know a case where the woman moans for the man achieve the orgasm sooner and then she gets released, so whoever finds this book is a lucky one.

Going back to that girl who closed the book in fear of hell, it is clear that for me to be recommending you, I opened it again, because the friends of my country had so many lovers, so many lovers, they were at our house against my mother's will of because she was a real friend of the wives, and the lovers, they spoke bad things, and so did I, so I reopened the book because of a comment that I heard about the wife from one of them, telling she was nothing than a hole. She had removed of her uterus and ovaries, a fibroid, and because of that, she was hollow. She was happy when he gave her a can of guava marmalade. Comments like: "my wife had so many children that she became wide, loose, it seems that I am dancing inside a mare". I'm being polite, because he did not say it, he spoke in another sense, do you understand me? In the next day, I asked my mom why she accepted it and she told me that was because of my father was removed from the office and to win the legal case in Brasília, she had to submit herself to these people who were friends of the militaries. My father was the only one who won the case in the Federal Supreme Court. My father was not amnestied, he won the case much before the amnesty on 1975.

My mother, today I see her as a hero, as to bear what she endured and I was always a paradox, because I read the book and then played with dolls, but nothing connected to the book, it was a regular child's play. My mother was so prudish that I remember I was sat, I was a young lady and she called me to the bathroom, then gave me a belt and then an tampon that was not adherent, it should be stuck in the belt, the date was 10/26/1969, a Sunday, the day of St. Jude Thaddeus, in Catholicism. Returning to the bathroom, I asked the reason of that. She told me that I had menstruated and if I play with men, I would get pregnant. And so I learned that woman could not play with a man, and I walked a league away from a man, I did not sit where they had sat and so on. For me, what she gave me to put on my genital organ, I used to make mattress for my Suzy dolls and they were stolen from my mom, that's the reason she did not know the reason for the disappearance of her tampons and then she used the wipes. Yes, I'm too old. This situation caused in me very big scary thing making my menstruation come back only six months later, on a sunny day, I was catching some waves on the beach and when I came out of the water, I was all red, I was lucky because the bikini was red. Then I said "what an ordinary fabric, it's staining all my skin", then I saw it was not and my cousin said "go home, you are menstruated". I got dressed and left wiping me from Leme's Rock till Princess Isabel Ave., crying with rage, dripping and the dogs behind me, barking. Think it was at 10 AM.

Tomorrow I will get in the subject of the book Madame Bovary.

Note: Even so, my mother did not touch on her virginity, I learned many years later from a cousin of mine, she's a doctor, and good that I was a virgin and I had not played with any man.


BOVARYSME - In psychological terms, bovarysme consists in a change of the sense of reality, in which a person has a distorted self-image, in which he/she considers himself/herself another person (of great and admirable characteristics), which he/she is not. In general terms, bovarysme refers to the state of chronic dissatisfaction of a human being, produced by the contrast between his/her illusions and aspirations (which are usually disproportionate to his own possibilities) and the frustrating reality. It can be characterised as a form of mythomania.


I do not agree, because she was unhappy and every unhappy woman picks up an escape valve or she is going to have a compulsion for food or to spend on clothes, expecting that it will fill her need. This psychiatric definition depreciates a person. Who developed the theory of bovarysme, M. Jules de Gaultier, he did not know her, so without living together with her, he could not say it so sharply. I respect his theory, however, I have the daily practice of having a Charles Bovary in my life. Since the cavemen ages, the humanity already was bovaryste, otherwise we would not have any creation. The need is the mother of invention and the pursuit for perfection makes us bovarystes, except if you were born with the silver spoon in hand and you are happy in all senses, what I doubt. Bovary made mistakes. In 1857, the year of publication of the book, the injustice suffered by Gustave Flaubert through the people who had the same opinion as described above, made a genius be wronged. Let's make a small appetizer of Emma Bovary's defense, because I'm human and I want to go to the beach. Let it be noted that I would not do what she did, even my life being similar as regards her single time on some topics:

1) Emma had no mother, but a boring and selfish father who she had to take care of his illness;

2) The young ladies had to get married early and she was passing the age. Until the current days, what woman does not want to get married with a doctor aiming his plastic money and his medical status? Would they be a modern species of Emma Bovary as well? After all, the doctor is the husband, not them, see the definition of Bovarysme described above. The fact that the husband is a doctor and not them, creates in them an expectation of being able to spend and often even humiliate people by their social status, eg "my husband is a doctor, he is an oncologist" , we all need happiness, it's vital, it's the oxygen of life to stay alive;

3) So let's include the suicidal people who, like Emma, ​​ended her life, just like female adultery. Which woman can handle a boring man? Old? Without ambition? And worse, there are those husbands who disgust the woman, just do the missionary position and it is all;

4) When it comes to male adultery, he tells his friends: "She only makes the missionary position, she's too polite, she has no libido and she (the mistress) does everything I want, she even turns me inside out." And us, women, we can not say this, for fearing the judgment of other women;

5) Do you want to see a happy woman? Take her to the shopping mall, give her money or the credit card, say she can spend whatever she wants, without limits. My son, she will buy even what she does not need, but you will have a very happy woman for a few hours;

6) Madame Bovary - Emma - ​​for me, she was not looking for money, but happiness, someone to put an end on the mediocre life she was used to have, but unfortunately she traded 6 for half a dozen, an old and sick father for a boring and lying husband, with no self-opinion, mediocre.

Comment aside: there is a moment in the book in which Charles calls Emma to sleep and says: "Emma, ​​il est déjà tard, viens!" and they get laid at the same time that she looks at the ceiling with an expression of boredom, of supreme unhappiness. How many women moan too much or pretend a headache to be free of the sexual act and the husband that, when satisfied, they turn aside, sleep and to complete, they still snore. So are these wives crazy? Do they have psychiatric illness? No.

7) In a part of the book when M. Lheureux, the peddler, comes to analyse
Emma's assets for the execution what she owes him, he gives her to understand that if she were his lover, the debt would be forgiven. She is terribly offended that he thinks she's promiscuous and would tie up as a lover. She gets indignant and it shows that she was looking for love. How many of us do not look for this? The naive only, while the smart ones look for plastic money.

8) Seeing that he does not have support or understanding for her debt, she goes to the pharmacy of M. Homais, the apothecary (this is a real Bovaryst, because he wanted to be a doctor as a pharmacist, and, he was responsible for what happened with Hippolyte by convincing Emma to accept the tempting operation that would give Charles fame and money and if there is a guilty, this is M. Homais), fills the hand with arsenic and takes it all. One proof of the total non-culpability given to Emma is that even with her death, M. Homais convinces Charles - already financially bankrupt - to make a highly exquisite tomb to Emma. It is always good to remember that the dead ones do not spend money, do not eat, do not drink, and even less, they do not demand a magnificent tomb. Am I clear? If there is a victim in fact, or victims, they were Emma and her daughter Berthe, because with the death of the father (Charles), she goes to live with relatives, then they die and she goes to work as a maid in homesteads, while Homais receives a commendation and shows all his arrogance that, in the backstage, it is a great inferiority complex. So, instead of Bovarysm, we should put Homerism.

Poor Emma, whose only sin and great mistake was to believe in men: Rudolphe, Leon, for when she needed it, they turned away.

Emma, after all these years, you're still super current, for better or for worse, with an army of women doing what they've condemned you.
                                                                                                                                                                      Katia Paes