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Friday, March 30, 2018


One of the public attorneys of MPRJ (Public Prosecutor's Office of Rio de Janeiro) justifies a son transferring the money from his mother's bank account to his own, even if it is known that a person when dead, his/her power of attorney becomes nule.
Another important fact: he did not write down the document after her death, which is an aggravating circumstance. Is he still released after this crime and the MPRJ still tries to protect him?

MPRJ = Ministério Público Do Rio de Janeiro (Public Prosecutor's Office of Rio de Janeiro)

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Ms. Ombudsman of the Rio de Janeiro Forum,

Since you only speak and do not listen, considering that your position is an Ombudsman, let me die in peace with the dignity that I have always put in use during my life. I always honored my grandfather's name, Judge Arthur de Carvalho Cruz, who named a forum in the State of Pará. I am just another number. My brother robbed me and bought a new car, gave to his companion a Louis Vuitton handbag and I have no money to buy my medicines. I can prove it with evidences. Against a fact there is no argument. I gave it all and everything was paid with money from my mother's fund left for my health which was manipulated by my brother where he withdrew 1.5 million reals and me, 164 thousand reals. A mother who knew that her daughter has her days counted, would not do it. She wanted me to go to the INCOR (Heart's Institute in São Paulo) to do a transplant, to see how my situation was. My left ventricle is 3 times larger than my right, I have mitral valve prolapse with insufficient aorta. My brother has all the time in the world but I do not.

I ask you please let me die with dignity, do not fool me, respect the mother of a public servant like youof a federal judicial public servant like you, who I taught him to respect who pays his salary: the citizen, and he never mistreated anyone, because who needs you, goes after justice and not injustice. I think, I, the granddaughter of a Judge of Execution, I was treated with ill will, with disrespect, how will the people be treated? I know, because I was there and I heard: "Are not you satisfied? Go find a private attorney, old man!". Remember, above you there is a Supreme Judge who has no chit chat, the justice belongs to Him. When He asks you this question, "What did you do with the job I delegated to you?" Remember that His son, He let him die on the cross, He is righteous, revenge and righteousness belong to Him and you who have superb, you have already stamped your passport with one of the worst sins. From the sky does not only falls the rain, but there's lightning, thunder, and storm. Wrath is His.

Here is the article from the Civil Code that obliges the judge to give me back what I spent with the estate, where I was robbed by my brother:

Art. 2.020, CC - Heirs in possession of inheritance goods, surviving spouse and inventor are obliged to bring to the collection the fruits they have noticed, since the opening of the succession; shall be entitled to reimbursement of the necessary and useful expenses which they have incurred, and shall be liable for the damage which, as a result of intent or fault, has caused.

And the promoter of the MPRJ defends a marginal, who with my already dead mother, applied and withdrew money from her account and put in his own, claiming that he was the attorney (in charge of the power of attorney). I quote, when the person dies, the power of attorney dies as well and he also made a mistake in not notifying the public organs of her death. Now, Bradesco does not even have that excuse, because my mother got there and left life insurance for her grandchildren, as if 12,000 were worth and still the judge, according to Bradesco, gave orders to reapply the money. Judge, is that right? The lady, who says she is devout of St George, kills the dragon or the horse? You are not repeating your position, which is to arrest criminals, as parents who do not pay child support. Brazil today has no justice, in fact never had, Brazil is a decoy in what concerns the law, I am a victim of this, I can prove, because if the woman who steals 1 liter of milk to feed the child and goes to prison, Why did my brother who stole me still remain free? Give the money to my brother soon.

Impunity warms the cradle of corruption. Look how Brazil is at the moment. If you're doing this to me with so many legal people at my side, imagine what you're doing with the common people. God cares for us.

Your Honor, after so many errors in this process, which is catastrophic, can I still trust the justice? Or should I simply turn my back because it is a marked letter? Since the same forum kept in its staff the former communication director of the Forum and friend of my brother, Mr. Mauro A. Ventura, sued for default by Mr. Zaven Bogossian. My brother who has never worked, says a doctor without being. Therefore I can not trust justice. I thought I might.

You are denying me the right to life when you denied me the reimbursement of the money I spent out of my pocket failing to buy my medicine and my health deteriorated a lot.

Every one according to his works. I know that I was honest, I die with a clear conscience.

Kátia Paes, victim of the Brazilian justice that until now did nothing, only kidnapped, with all the vouchers delivered. Viva Carlota Joaquina, who from this earth did not want to take in her hooves. A clairvoyante, no?