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Saturday, February 4, 2017


All the adversaries united in the death of Ms. Marisa, ex-first lady, so stretched that she barely opened her eyes. How many plastic surgeries she should have done. I say it due to all the money spent with them would have fed many people that lost everything because of Lula and Dilma’s government. It could have ended the hungry of lots of people that have the street as their roof. They lost everything, even their dignity and so, what is the reason of a constitution if not used properly by any politician? Where is the housing and the health? They were people like you and me and in a f… country like it is now, no jobs, no hope, even the hope of the Brazilian people has been taken due to the corruption which is like smallpox, once we can only see it when it pops up, because when it is being transmitted to other people we don’t see it, they have only fever and in the case of the politicians, fever for money.

I don’t belong to this falsehood because I remember the soldier who committed suicide for not receiving his salary, 28 years old, very young, with the whole life ahead and she had a Faustian lifestyle. I see stores closing, people going in need, those ones who died at the corridor of hospitals by the lack of care, the small farm in Atibaia and the triplex apartment in Guarujá. They owned to her and the ex-president Lula, denied by him, the traffic of influence, etc… those who died by the lack of care at SUS (Public system of health) and still die, are less important than her? Do they cause less pain to their relatives instead of her own ones? Was she more mother than that poor one that died in pain at the cold corridor of an overloaded hospital, no medicines, dirty, full of water drops, with rats and roaches, sometimes on the floor? She died surrounded by all the comfort of a particular hospital and in the same time, another one should be dying on the cold floor and out of a comfort of a public hospital, or even on the streets, as it happens every day. So, to the family of the ex-president Lula, I hope she reaps what she seeded and from the SUPREME JUDGE nobody runs, I have told it, all of us will have our day of defendant. Caskets do not have drawer, as a popular proverb says.

One day all of us will pass by the democracy called Death that gets the rich, the poor and the average one. I hope she receives what she gave, that the tears and the blood of the innocents of the SUS fall over her. You may know that proverb: “Behind a great man there is always a great woman”, the contrary also works out and she came from a humble origin just like him, has she forgot what is being a dependent of the SUS? Let’s remind that her first husband was a taxi driver, but it is impressive how the poverty can be forgotten when someone arrives where she arrived, but God, the SUBLIME JUDGE, judged her and voilà: the death.

There is no stolen money that brings Ms. Marisa back to life. Thank you.   

Katia Paes

PS¹: To you all that were there: Lula, Fernando Henrique, José Sarney and all with advanced age, do not cry, soon you will be there with her and you will catch up.

PS²: You may think I am insensitive, but I am sensitive enough. I sensibilise myself with those who sleep in the open air on the streets, like the whole families living in São Paulo’s downtown. You can say they are vagabond, but they are not, they have been caught by the crisis as I was caught during Sarney’s mandate, but I had someone to count on and they do not. Before judging them put yourselves in their place. Those mothers with their children when they ask for milk, for bread and they cannot give them. People want jobs, want health. This crisis is so serious that one day there will not be people that they (politicians) can steal. People have no food on their table, ah, there are no tables too, while she had a triplex apartment to live in. I am not hypocrite. I hope she pays for it. It is said that one leaf does not fall without God’s permission. Eye for an eye. The Law of Return is pure physics. My heart aches when I see homeless people, nobody should pass thought what they are passing. See this absurd: when Brazil is paying for her burial ceremony there are people being buried as indigent in common graves. The law should pay for everyone and not for her because she is full of money. God does not warns when you will be judged.

To Lula Family that doesn't see, doesn't speak, doesn't listen to, ah... they don't know about anything too.